MaryRose Haley

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MaryRose Haley

Iteration as Subject: A Workshop
There is an implicit nature to our understanding of this word iteration, but do we understand what it means or how to use it?

For professional designers and the industry, iteration is baked into the doing. In the article, Teaching Iteration, Jason Fried, founder of Basecamp and Signal 37, speaks about feedback from various stakeholders, “Now that you’ve got it [your work] back, what do you do with it? This is something you have to learn how to deal with.” This skill of iteration is not captured in design education for students; even with the acknowledgment that this word finds its way into many syllabi. For the sake of the future of design, which is full of complex problems, it is not enough to hope that students will learn how to iterate. The teaching of iteration should be taken further and more seriously by calling attention to and practicing the elements of iteration, including self-reflection, documentation, and actionable feedback.

Developing a course on iteration as the subject would solve this disconnect and become a bridge between a student's education and work. To evaluate the potential of a course on iteration, several workshops were conducted to test a framework developed to practice some of the various elements found in iteration. In addition, careful consideration was given to the language surrounding iteration.

