Jocelyn Gama

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Jocelyn Gama

The Latino immigration journey is long and arduous. Many resettled Latino families are faced with issues around generational trauma and mental health. Their struggles can be intransigent and difficult to talk about, or even face. Too many go it alone. Generational trauma is a vicious cycle of pain and suffering, but the potential for healing exists in the context of community. Shared experiences fortify pride in one’s common identity. A strong community maintains the vibrancy of one’s traditions and culture. The monarch butterfly is symbolic of the immigrant journey and the common quest for a more hopeful future. Metamorphosis and transformation; migration and movement; adaptation to new environments; struggles and obstacles; freedom and independence; cycles of life and renewal. These are themes in which the life of the monarch butterfly and the immigration journey align. Metamorphosis combines ‘papel picado,’ a traditional Mexican folk art, with butterfly designs symbolizing the emotions and experiences of individual immigrants, to shine a light upon and bring awareness to the pain and healing of my beloved community.

