Jake Do

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Jake Do

Jazz In Design: Blue In Green Composition
Jazz, despite being a musical genre, holds significant importance in the realm of graphic design due to its rich aesthetic vocabulary and cultural legacy. While my potential audience may not have direct exposure to jazz or any of its artists, the jazz aesthetics, characterized by improvisation, rhythm, syncopation, and abstraction, has left an indelible mark on modern culture. Jazz musicians like John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck are similar to designers like Max Bill, Wim Crouwell, and Paul Rand who became key figures in the modern canon of design, musically and graphically. Jazz In Design: Blue In Green Composition visualizes the rich imaginative world of jazz in an After Effects sequence, using the track “Blue In Green” from Miles Davis’s album “Kind of Blue,” released in 1959. An exercise of imagination, the process of making Jazz In Design: Blue In Green Composition involved endless hours of listening to the composition to discern its many subtle and not-so-subtle components, which were then transposed visually for digital display. The result is an homage to jazz and a celebration of its place in the lexicon of American culture—music and design.

