Areiana Richards

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Areiana Richards

Go Kiss Grass
For creatives, different mediums and techniques are used to create a visual vocabulary that inspires more individualistic work, thanks to evidence of the hand. For designers, much of the work created and showcased is digital; the hand is, for the most part, absent from the work. Reliance on software, digital platforms, and codes has compromised the intimacy of analog design. Exploration is a pivotal part of the creative process, necessary to continued growth and discovery. Go Kiss Grass represents my ideal creative space, metaphorically speaking, where I can create freely and intuitively, without inhibition. Viewers are urged to unleash their creative instincts and to invite unexpected outcomes. The underlying message of Go Kiss Grass is, of course, to regularly step outside and explore natural spaces for inspiration. The experience is always unique and uplifting; the end results often are, too

